The First Day Of School
Welcome to Avery's page!
Hi I’m Avery and this is a little about me. I love to do gymnastics I’ve been doing it for three years. When I’m in school my favorite subject is art and math. I also like to read and play outside. I have a brother named Aidan my mom and dad. I have a dog named Jill, a fish and a hamster. My favorite color is orange. My favorite food is popcorn and salad. My favorite animal is pandas. I love space I want to go to the space museum in Washington D.C. My name is Avery and that was a little about me.
My dog Jill
It’s such a lovely morning I yawn and try to fall back to sleep. When ring–ring-ring! The alarm that thing is always going my ear! I smell a funny smell coming from the kitchen I am going downstairs .Yum I see some pancakes! No said Avery no pancakes for you Jill! Sometimes you just have to eat your own food! So I did. But it was not as good as pancakes! Come on Jill lets go outside said dad. I ran out the door on really fast speed! The sun is hot and it makes my fur burn. I walk over to my outside water dish I stick my hull face in it and lap up a lot of water. I start back to the house when I see a white fluffy bunny dart into view I didn’t even think about the electric fence so I just ran off as fast as I could. I was just on the bunny when shock…shock…shock! Yow! I better go inside. I’m going to take a catnap. Yum! Turkey right on my plate! I try to take a bite and it tastes like dreamy dust! I’m dreaming! Well that dream made me want lunch. I start off to my bowl and guess what I see on the table turkey! It starts to slip and I’m shaking with disbelief! There it goes. Slam! It fell right in my mouth and it tastes so good! Being a dog is not so bad after all!
Teddy bears & my dog
By; Avery
My dog has lots of toys. She has squeaky toys, soft toys, and hard toys. But there is only one toy that she really loves. It’s a white and very soft teddy bear. If it wasn’t hers I would like it for myself. I got it for her for her birthday. When she got it she would not take her paws off it. ‘I was wondering why she wasn’t chewing it like her other toys? I can’t wait to see what she does when she gets tired. Soon her head started to drop and she tiptoed to her bed. She set the bear on her paws and drifted off to sleep. I creped over to her bed and tried to grab the bear away from her when. Whoosh! She jumped up and toke it away from me! Hmm… I thought she sure likes that bear!
By: Avery
I went to South Carolina for Thanksgiving. It took six long and boring hours. I stopped at my cousins’ house in Pennsylvania for lunch and they made us really cool tee shirts. ‘Wow I exclaimed! I love it!’ I ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. It has I love gymnastics on it and my brother’s has Yankees on it. I sat down at the table ready for lunch. ‘Something smells great! What are we having I asked?’ Salad, tuna fish sandwiches and vegetables. ‘My aunt replyed.’ My mouth started to water. I sat up in my sit and licked my lips! My aunt brought the food over to the table and set it beautifully on the tablecloth. Dig in! My brother shouted! My mom gave him look and we all started eating. After lunch I couldn’t even move I was so stuffed. Then we were on the road again. My brother was talking about going for a bike ride when we get there. He wanted to lead the way. We drove and drove and finally we drove up to the condo! My legs were shaking that’s how excited I was! On Thanksgiving we went on a bike ride. My brother was in the front leading the way. It was beautiful. We rode on till we came to a tree that had fallen. My family picked up their bikes and carried them over. We got back on and started riding when all of the sudden a little fawn stuck it’s head out of the woods! Then out of nowhere a mother deer jumped out of the woods! Two fawns jumped out behind her! My brother panicked and pushed down on his breaks.’ Aidan! I yelled!’ I ran into him but we braked just in time! I wondered if they would be there when we came back? No…but my brother was too afraid to lead this time! I giggled well I thought maybe we will see them next time. Better remind my brother not to lead next time!
Avery KAILULANI.pdf This is a powerpoint presentation about Kal'lunlani: the last princess of Hawaii.
By Avery.
The First Day Of School
The first day of school was my favorite memory. It was special because it was my last year in the primary. Now I am a big fish in a little pond. I felt so big! I towered over the 1st and 2nd graders. I also made terrific new friends. The first day of school is when I got introduced to the Smart Board. Now I am much better with computers. I learned so many new things. I am going to be ready for fourth grade. It feels like I just got here, fresh out of kindergarten! Time flew bye! 3rd grade was great! All of the memories were great! I wish I could start over again!
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Comments (7)
Anonymous said
at 6:55 pm on Dec 18, 2007
You puplished a great story!
Anonymous said
at 9:01 am on Dec 19, 2007
Hi Avery its taytay I was just telling you that your report was awesomeI have a conextoin I love pancakes and my makes them like every morning isnent that just so cool dont you think because I do.
Anonymous said
at 11:16 am on Jan 3, 2008
Hi Avery! I just want to say that your report is so good it's better than mine! Your friend, Lauren O.
Anonymous said
at 11:04 am on Jan 11, 2008
Do you mean the air and space museum in Washington D.C.!?! Well,I loved it! It is awesome! I see why you want to go there.
Anonymous said
at 11:17 am on Jan 23, 2008
Hey Avery! I love math and art too!
Anonymous said
at 11:14 am on Jan 30, 2008
Hi Avery!It's me.What a quincidence!
I think we should be sisters!But we can't,but anyway see ya later!
Anonymous said
at 8:57 pm on Mar 23, 2008
From Bonnie Wallace: I love your page. My favorite part is your story about Kiawah and your picture of the bikes with the trees in the background. It brought back wonderful memories of the day that you, Aidan, and I road all around the River course. Remember when you and Aidan sat high in the branches of one of the Angel Oaks and I took your picture. I can picture it in my mind like it happened yesterday. And, I remember how silly you looked doing a split while riding your bike? You really should be in the circus. Please keep adding to your page. I love it
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