
Chris R

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to Chris R's page!


Sometimes I like to go to the beach and play in the water.

When I was in Florida.

I broke my shoulder.

It hurt.



The Haunted Door                                        


Once on Halloween my dad, brothers and I came back from trick or treating. My family was upstairs then I heard someone at the door. Then I went to go get the door but I didn’t know who it was.  I ran to get my parents, but they where getting ready for bed. So I went to get them. Then I heard it again and I couldn’t stand it so I opened the door and nobody was there! Then I found out it was a windy night and the knock on the door was just the wind. So I just got ready to eat my candy. I thought the door was haunted but then I realized that the knock on the door was just the wind.


Chris R Rubber Boa.pdf





Bubblemania was special because it was so funny.    Bubblemania was nice because he taught us that when you touch a bubble with a   dry hand  the bubble will evaporate. But when you touch a bubble with a wet hand it won’t evaporate.










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Comments (3)

Anonymous said

at 7:33 pm on Oct 25, 2007

you broke your sholder?

Anonymous said

at 11:01 am on Jan 11, 2008

I like soccer also

Anonymous said

at 11:04 am on Jan 23, 2008

Dear Cris,
I love to got to the beach too and play in the water.I bet it hert when you broke
your shoulder.BYE

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