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Parent Book Club

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

Welcome to the Parent Book Club!


We hope that you will find this to be a convenient way to share some great reading with each other. Please help this page to grow by adding some of your favorite books. Don't forget to click Save after you edit the page!


The Explosive Child,

by Ross W. Greene, Ph.D.


The author's main premise is that children do well if they can, but that explosive children are incapable of controlling their outbursts due to disabilities as real as any other learning disability. He says that these children need to be taught the critical flexibility and frustration tolerance skills they need so that they can learn how to respond to frustrations without exploding. Very easy to read, with some great food for thought!--Mrs. Harper


Boy Writers: Reclaiming Their Voices,

by Ralph Fletcher


While this book is primarily targeted toward teachers, parents will find some great information about the differences in writing between boys and girls. The author offers several suggestions to help engage boys in writing. He states that we need to look beyond the appearance of the paper to what the boy is saying in his piece. He also gives specific advice on how to praise our writers. Must-read for any parents concerned about their son's writing.--Mrs. Harper 




Leveled Book Information

This information is helpful if you want information on leveled books. In our classroom the children read books at their level (which changes as they become more proficient, especially in comprehension). If you are not sure of your child's reading level, ask your reading teacher. This website provides numerous titles, at the different levels (A-Z), to help guide your child to appropriate leveled literature. When purchasing books as gifts or for pleasure this site is a great resource.

Happy Reading! Mrs. Allen




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