Welcome to Ryan's page!
Hello my name is Ryan. I love baseball. It is very fun to play. I have one cat and I used to live in California. I play the piano. I am on book two. I have a lot of books to do. My house is two stories. My favorite food is hot dogs. I like to read.
The rain is falling on my head
Oh so softly
It starts to snow like a bunny whiting the snow
But it’s spring!
One day we went canoeing. I was on the side of the canoe when I fell in. HELP!!! I had a life jacket on but I was floating away. My family had to had to paddle and get me. They got me but I had to dry off from the cold ice water. In the canoe I learned not to hang on the side of the canoe. After that my mom’s hat fell off.
Canoeing (revised)
One day my family went canoeing. The water was cold that day and I think we picked a bad day to canoe. I think I should have stayed home. I was on the side of the canoe and fell in help! I yelled at the top of my lungs. I looked up and saw my family in the canoe. Two seconds later I feel water come up my cheek uh- oh I was going to sink. I felt very nervous. I have never had this happen before but I had a lifejacket on. After that my family had to paddle back and get me. They got me in but I had to dry off the cold ice water. In the canoe I learned not to hang on the side of the canoe. After that my mom’s hat fell in the water.
Ryan MLK.pdf
I made a powerpoint about martin luther king Jr.
I want you to check it out. To learn more about him.
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Hit in the eye
I got hit in the eye I thought would die.
I went in with a swollen eye I thought I would cry
I didn’t.
Class concert
My memory is the class concert.
It was my memory because I know
A lot about it.
I know what songs we sang and what
Row I was in.
I know a lot but
I know what part that I like when
I got to play the cow bell witch is a
Bell that makes sounds. I think that
I will know every part in the class concert
Because I was in it.
I will tell every body about it.
Bang I here lighting
I look out the window
And it’s my brother yelling boom bang.
Uhhh wake up
Uhhh I here something
Bonk brother bonker
Sleep bed head
I said.
Bonk uhhh
Bonk bonk.
Comments (8)
Anonymous said
at 11:19 am on Dec 18, 2007
I like hot dogs to.Once my dad ate 6 hot dogs.
Anonymous said
at 11:16 am on Jan 3, 2008
I like baseball to.I love hotdogs to
Anonymous said
at 11:15 am on Jan 4, 2008
That was a intresting story.
Anonymous said
at 11:18 am on Jan 4, 2008
I just love your picture bye see ya!
Anonymous said
at 11:03 am on Jan 11, 2008
I like how you where floting away & that was a funny story!
Anonymous said
at 10:55 am on Jan 23, 2008
I love baseball to I am going to play it okay!
Anonymous said
at 11:06 am on Jan 23, 2008
great job
Anonymous said
at 11:14 am on Jan 23, 2008
Great I love it!
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