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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago



Stupendous Social Studies Info....




Our class recently had a visitor! Svea's dad, a navy man, came into our class to share his experiences when he was in Iraq and Afganistan. Our class learned how he helped the community where he lived. We gained an appreciation for the time he gave our country and had a first hand look at life in Asia.


Svea's dad, thank you again for sharing your time with us and your country!  November, 2007







December, 2007

Our student teacher Miss Baker is teaching a unit in geography. The class is learning what landforms are and they are learning how to read landform maps. The class played a fun game of Geography Jeopardy as a kick off lesson. The class will learn how geography effects the way people live, work, and play.














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