
Team Wiki Book Club

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to the Team Wiki Book Club


We want to know what books are your favorites. Just click the Edit page button. In the new Editing window, click below and write about your favorite books. Others can add comments by clicking the Comments button at the top of the page.


Parents: we have now added an adult book club page. This can be a great resource for you to share with each other. Click here!


Our New Baby

Our New Baby is so cool how the sister thinks the baby gets his way all the time. In my story I have a cute picture of my brother. It is great for people who like stikers,words,and likes to read.


Anne of Green Gables

My favorite book is Ann of Green Gables. It's about an adopted girl and how her life goes I hope you read it. You're in for a royal treat!--Mallory


Bailey School Kids

This series of books are amazing! They're about four friends and all of their adventures! Sounds great huh? Then pick up a book and READ! --Mallory


Little House On The Prairie

House on the prairie are books about things that happened long ago. Do you like reading those kind of books? I can't help you. Okay I'll give you a clue go get a book and read. --Mallory


Magic Tree House

Magic tree house books are about two kids named Jack and Annie and their adventures in the tree house. But the author doesn't tell if it's their imagination or not! What do you think? --Mallory


Winnie the Pooh

These classy tales are very original and funny if you ADORE Winnie the Pooh like me

must I tell you what you have to do? I hope you do know what you're what you're suppose to do

I'll spell it!!! 


R-E-A-D! --Mallory







Socks is a great book! If you love cats and kittens, you're going to love this book! In this book a kitten named Socks gets a new owner. What adventures he shall have!--Alison


The Spider and the Fly,

by Tony DiTerlizzi, based on the poem by Mary Howitt



This makes a wonderful read-aloud for Halloween, with a good message about safety, too! We enjoyed reading this in my Language Arts group.--Mrs. Harper


The Spiderwick Chronicles,

by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black

This is a great series that anyone would enjoy. I do like this author's sense of humor! Once you get started, it's hard to stop reading these books! --Mrs. Harper


The World's Greatest Elephant

by Ralph Helfer

I have had many favorite books over the years, and they still remain favorites. My newest book to add to the list is The World’s Greatest Elephant by Ralph Helfer. It is the true story of Modoc the elephant and his best friend Bram. I know you all know it because I read it to you! Maybe you could share it with your parents or younger brother or sister. I think it’s a book that no matter how many times you read, you still love the story and are able to make new connections.  Mrs. Allen



Leveled Book Information

This information is helpful if you want information on leveled books. In our classroom the children read books at their level (which changes as they become more proficient, especially in comprehension). If you are not sure of your child's reading level, ask your reading teacher. This website provides numerous titles, at the different levels (A-Z), to help guide your child to appropriate leveled literature. When purchasing books as gifts or for pleasure this site is a great resource.


Happy Reading! Mrs. Allen




Sammy Keyes series


Sammy Keyes is a great book series. They're all mysteries. Yet, really unexpected mysteries. Sammy is a sventh grader who the popular girl, Heather Acosta, hates. She has a new mystery to solve in every book. By

unexpected, I mean the suspect is really unexpected. So grab one of the books in the Sammy Keyes series, and

READ! --Alison


Comprehension Is Where It's At


When helping your child choose a book besides the leveling link there is also a method called the FIVE FINGER METHOD. When picking a book, it is important for independent reading to be comfortable. Open up to any page in the book that looks like a prospect. Begin to read the page and if more than 5 words are missed on the page, put it back, because frustration is on the rise. Remember, the goal in independent reading is enjoyment without frustration and of course, COMPREHENSION!


Speaking of comprehension, our student teacher Miss Baker, has been teaching us a few things! Here's a quick way to check comprehension and keep the reader focused. After reading a chapter or after completion of a book use the SWBS method. Read below to find out what it is and how it can hold any reader accountable.


The S stands for SOMEBODY. Think about the main character in the chapter that was read.


The W stands for WANTED. Think about what that character wanted in the chapter that you read.


The B stands for BUT. Think about what might have stopped the character from getting what he/she wanted in the chapter that you read.


 The S stands for SO. Think about what the character did to solve his/her problem. How did he/she get what he/she wanted in the chapter that you read?




Comments (4)

Mrs. Harper said

at 9:39 pm on Aug 9, 2007

Mrs. Harper's sons both loved The Spiderwick Chronicles!

Anonymous said

at 5:37 pm on Nov 29, 2007

I loved that book I think it looks scary on the outside!

Anonymous said

at 10:58 am on Jan 23, 2008

Great job!!!
I was wondering how I put my peace on the wiki with out deleteing some ones work??????

Anonymous said

at 12:22 pm on Feb 2, 2008

You can just click in front of their work and paste your piece. Let me know how it goes!

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